Mac Slover, Chair of the MIracle League of Alexandria received the 2024 Men of Courage Award on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at the 9th Annual Men Of Courage Lifetime Achievement Awards held at the Oswald Durant Center, Alexandria, Virginia. Slover was honored for his lifetime achievement from his 30 years of service with the City of Alexandria Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities and his 14 years founding and coordinating the Miracle League of Alexandria.
The Men of Courage Lifetime Achievement Awards Program, honors outstanding community members who have dedicated their time and years to volunteer, coach and mentor Alexandria’s youth. The event is a partnership of Suggs’ Dream Work TDS, LLC, and the City of Alexandria Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities. Mac was introduced by longtime friend and Miracle League partner, Bill Rivers. Also in attendance supporting Mac was his son, Justin Slover, longtime partner, Diane Ford, MLA members – Lindsey Swanson and Laura Fries and Deputy Director of RPCA – Recreation Services – Laura Durham. Additonally, the Men of Courage honored Gregory Baldwin, Harold Hughes, Kevin Harris and Don Hayes. Following the ceremony a reception with food was held.
The Men of Courage Vision
The Men of Courage Award is presented to men who have shown the divine order of putting family first. They speak the positive messages, guide youth and provide heartfelt action and dedication to the community.
Men of Courage always lead by example and they will leave a legacy of love, courage, and service. The Men of Courage Program was inspired by the 2011 film entitled “Courageous” written by Alex and Stephen Kendrick.
Alexandria Gazette Packet article (page 7)